Sunday, October 28, 2007

Week 7wikis #16

Today i had a look at wikis.....dont know why i didnt realize that wikipedia was a wiki! I love wikipedia as it offers information that is quick and very easy to understand. I find it especially useful for medical/scientific terms which often can be quite difficult to grasp. I also took a look at the booklovers wiki which i thought would be a great tool for libraries. In our library service we like to publish book suggestions that different staff members recommend. With a wiki we could encourage the public to add their own or offer their own comments on book that have been reviewed or suggestions for further reading. Another area where i think it would be useful is in the burgeoning area of local/family history. As we all know there is a plethora of information on the internet around the area of family history..much of it not necessarily helpful to those wanting to research their own family history. A wiki would be useful in that individuals involved in family history research can add any useful resources or tips that they might have to make the process easier for first-time researchers!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Week 6 #15 future of libraries

Today i read a few perspectives about the future direction of libraries. Although i agree that we need to broaden the services offered to our library patrons and we need to consider the wider community of potenial users who dont actually physically use our library, i believe a physical library building is actually quite important as a social hub where people can meet and interact with staff and other customers. So though technology is definitely the way of the future i still believe that there will always be a market for libraries and physical books....i have yet to meet someone who actually prefers to read a book on a laptop as opposed to the familiar feel of a book in your hand!!!The challenge will be to cater for a more diverse clientele who might otherwise not see the benefit of using a library.

Week 5 play week #10

Today I finally managed to upload something from an image generator.....I find that I learn best when someone is able to show me how to actually apply what i have been reading/learning onto my blog page. This whole exercise has highlighted to me how little i actually know about the capabilities that are just a keystroke away. Basically, I dont spend as much time on the internet exploring as some people (especially the young)would. I tend to be more wary about publishing all sorts of personal information out there for all to see. Hence my reticence to embrace the myriad of options available. When i see just what others have achieved through Learning 2.0 I am heartened that it too can be within my reach!!!Here's hoping!!!